Chelsea Clinton Wedding Excitement

As the day gets closer for the Chelsea Clinton Wedding the excitement increases. Why is everyone so excited you may ask? A Chelsea Clinton Wedding is another chapter in a storybook fantasy. From an awkward teen watching her dad, Bill Clinton, become President of the United States of America, to a transitioning college student helping her mom, Hillary Clinton. become a United States Senator from New York, to a beautiful adult young lady holding her own, Chelsea has captured the hearts and imaginatiuon of girls everywhere. The Chelsea Clinton Weddding will have girls dreaming for years to come. 

Who will be invited to the Chelsea Clinton Wedding? Will it be the girls daydreaming along side Chelsea at Sidwell Friends School, or her equally ambitious classmates at Stanford University?  Will the  Chelsea Clinton Wedding be more of a political reunion for former President Bill Clinton and his many life long friends and supporters? Maybe this will be a way to finally have a political gathering without hints of scandal or whispers of shame from the past.  On the other hand, the Chelsea Clinton Wedding could be a diplomatic party for Hilary to solidify ties around the globe to futher her career as Secretary of State. The Chelsea Clinton Wedding will be an international event simply by the media coverage from around the globe. The daughter of a former President, and a current Secretary of State, young women everywhere will want to mimic the Chelsea Clinton Wedding and import facets of it into their own. Similar to Grace Kelly and Queen Noor in the past. There may even be a Chelsea Clinton Wedding Gown to hit the fashion circuit next year. 

Could the Chelsea Clinton Wedding be a simple affair?  Probably not! Whether large or small, there can not be a Chelsea Clinton Wedding without two of the most important figures in world politics present – her mom and dad.

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